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Our courses are designed according to the toddlers’ age and their level of development. We aim to stimulate their interests in learning through different games and by allowing them to be active

The College About The College Wah Yan College, Hong Kong is a grant-in-aid secondary school in Hong Kong. It was founded on December 16, 1919, by Tsui Yan Sau Peter. It is a Roman Catholic secondary

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The Evangelical School Development Incorporation Limited (ESDI) is the sponsoring body of the School. It was established in August, 1962 by a group of devoted Christians for the sole purpose of spons

路德會聖腓力堂幼稚園 香港路德會聖腓力堂在 1955年成立於鯉魚門嶺南新村,由美國傳教士展開傳道和教育工作,同時在上址開辦了聖腓力學校。1972年遷往高超道村得政府津貼成為津貼小學。原址改辦聖腓力幼稚園,1990年搬遷到官塘翠屏村翠桉樓,成為政府津貼非牟利幼稚園,命名為《路德會聖腓力堂幼稚園》。 辦學宗旨 1. 遵照香港教育規例向學生施行學前教育。 2. 按照基督真理,同學生施以正面的人生觀。

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Children Workshop offers high standard extra-curricular classes in art, English, dance and playgroup. The team of passionate highly qualified teachers provide an engaging educational experience in eve

RAINBOW WORLD Rainbow World Learning Centre Flat B1, 26/F ,Legend Tower, 7 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong 觀塘成業街 7 號寧晉中心 26 樓 B1 室 Tel: 3563 8397 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.ra

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